Re-Working of a Large Detached Property in Harborne

Looking forward to getting back to this extensive re-working of a large detached property in Harborne, Birmingham. Effectively two projects in one, a two storey side extension to create an additional two bedrooms with ensuite at the first floor along with re-working of existing spaces to create a gorgeous master suite with dressing area and master ensuite… See if you can spot the extended roof! And on the ground floor… (cont.)

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Conservation area extension in Harborne

Conservation Area Extension

HARBORNE   We were approached by the owners of a Victorian semi-detached property in a Conservation Area in Harborne, Birmingham to re-imagine the ground floor

Contemporary Side Return Extension

KINGS HEATH, BIRMINGHAM “It has changed our lives, and we love it!” A Beautiful Victorian Semi-detached Home Full Planning Application Dramatic Corner Wrapping Rooflights &